From Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to Flight of the Bumble Bee, I look at this photograph and see not only the accomplished and mature young pianist you have become, but remember your musical journey. I remember the hopes and dreams we had for you when you were born. Singing lullabies, then moving on to Raffi and Barney. I remember getting an old clunker of a piano when you were two, just so you could experiment with sound and could sing and dance when I'd play your favorite nursery rhymes. When it was "finally" time for you to start your piano lessons, you were so excited! Remember Mrs. Montgomery and her candy dish? I can hear your first "Little Etude" and practicing scales and arpeggios. Recitals and contests, Beethoven to Lori Line, on stage or just in our living room, it has been such a pleasure to hear you express your love of all kinds of music and share your talents and gifts through playing for others. My wish for you now as you begin your adult life, is that you never lose your love of music! So, dear Allie, "Thank you for the music, for giving it to me."
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